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Blog du Diamant Bleu

Ligne jaune de séparation

The dinner cruise of Le Diamant Bleu, July 14th, 2017

Ligne jaune de séparation

For this special date, Le Diamant Bleu has put every effort into its 350 guests to offer an unforgettable evening. The guests came as a couple, friends, family, and several moments of emotions honored the evening. The fireworks of the Eiffel Tower, the reunion of a family overflowing with love...

Survive to Friday

Ligne jaune de séparation

Finally, the weekend! Or almost … You probably have a lot of great activities planned, like a restaurant with friends not seen for centuries or any program at all that can be even better! This is how your Friday afternoon will begin to stretch, to extend, the minutes become endless,...

Top themes for your corporate parties

Ligne jaune de séparation

Theme night gold or no theme night? That’s the question … It’s true that imposing a theme on your employees is a teambuilding activity or even a promotion, a great way to emphasize your consideration of the team. A group who is honored and excited, you will see its motivation...

80 years old and 80 guests for an unforgettable night!

Ligne jaune de séparation

On Saturday, it was Lea who organized her dad’s birthday. 80 years you will say to me, this should be celebrated! For the occasion, the family has prepared everything to surprise this man full of stories and anecdotes. A man of great kindness, thanked by many speeches, by associative awards...

Celebrate your chuppah on Le Diamant Bleu

Ligne jaune de séparation

Historically, celebrating the chuppah outdoors was a pure Ashkenazi rite. And yes, despite the low temperatures of eastern countries, the tradition of the celebration of outdoor marriage comes from there. As the traditional marriage modernizes, this tradition (of preferring the outside) has become a recurring demand among future brides and...

Où regarder le feu d’artifice du 14 juillet à Paris ?

Ligne jaune de séparation

Le 14 juillet à Paris, le soir venu, chacun cherche la meilleure place pour assister au feu d’artifice de Paris. Pourquoi ne pas choisir cette année d’être aux toutes premières loges, en tête à tête avec la Tour Eiffel, sans avoir à affronter la foule et tout en profitant d’un...

Boissons Trattoria Anglais
Boissons Trattoria Anglais
Boissons Trattoria Anglais
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Boissons Diamant Bleu Anglais
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