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The wedding announcement

I have to confess an insignificant micro little forgetfulness: I talked about the preparations, the place, the request and even the honeymoon, and all that before the first rung, the mother stage of the big event: the sent out of the announcement! Because between us, without this delicate operation, you are likely to celebrate your union in front of a nice gathering of cows, pigeons or lizards according to your penchant for the country, the city or the tropical (excuse me to have Ignore the long enumeration, like Balzac, of all the animals that could have served as a witness, but it seems that there are nearly 8.7 millions …). But let’s go back to our matter of concerns! When to send it? My parents are divorced, how to do? What exactly is it for? How to announce, without inviting or becoming persona non grata? All your answers are here: ↓

The announcement serves, in the first sense, to inform your entourage of the happy event but does not necessarily constitute an invitation. In my opinion, since I feel the urge to announce my marriage to someone, it is about a person whom I like and that I wish to have by my side on the D-day … But I do not underestimate the omnipotence of tradition in some families that enjoins the lucky ones to inform all the knowledge of their parents and grandparents! And then there are colleagues too, who we often prefer to see around a coffee machine in the office than in conversation with your parents, determined to catch up with all the alcohol-free parties imposed by the regime of Mrs…

In these circumstances, it is a bit tricky to warn these people, as the propriety, but without bothering to prepare two announcements … The miracle solution, which explains the surprising volume of this type of letter, is to split the invitation into several boxes: one for the religious ceremony, one for the reception, one for the reception, one for the brunch … And who says several boxes, said risk of confusion, errors, omissions … So not to meet again, the day of the wedding, with the totality of the guests in Saint-Arnould in the Loir-et-Cher instead of being on the side of Deauville, for a simple zip code error, here the few details to remember for your announcement:

  • The essential : a cardboard containing all the useful information; the exact address (read and reread without moderation!), a nice map of the site with the road to follow, plotted in color please! A list of nearby hotels, good restaurants and why not, places to visit, and the dress code if there is theme. Finally all that you will deem necessary to specify, this list is not immutable!
  • The pratice : a box with small checkboxes for the RSVP and the deadline. Because yes, this date which indicates the limit to answer the invitations is imperative! I assure you that you do not want to receive answers to a week of the ceremony: what would they like to eat?, what to wear?, what shoes? And as we are full of solicitude, we will not forget to provide a small envelope with your address. You can even add a little quiz in which your guests can specify their musical preferences and special diets, to really do things right.
  • The little extra : The little extra: You can also add the link of the wedding list, mentioned in a subtle way obviously because it seems that it is not in good taste to include it on the invitation, in real exhortation to satisfy your materialistic desires …

Are you missing some information maybe? Like the timing to send the announcements? Two-three months before and no less! Do not make the mistake of thinking that all this is managed in a month (refer to the Preparations of the bride) …(se référer aux Préparatifs de le mariée) …

And finally, how to introduce the text of your ad? Traditionally, this task is the responsibility of parents (sometimes even grandparents), if they are separated, a situation more common nowadays, each parent will be entitled to his own line, In a more modern style, some couples present their own union, usually when they have already lived together for some time or have already been married. Those who already have children can even do it by taking their voice!

And do not forget that the announcement is like a preview of the reception, it is in keeping with the theme, the place marks, the thanks … So ladies, gentlemen, a little concentration!

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